Throughout the Bible, there are some scriptures that seem to conflict. One, in particular, involves the women buying and preparing spices for Jesus’ burial. In Mark 16:1, it says they bought the spices after the Sabbath. But in Luke 23:56, it says they prepared the spices before the Sabbath and then rested. So, what happened here? Did Luke or Mark misremember? Was it a mistake…
Story Tag: BiblicalTruth
Simon Magus
Simon Magus, a 1st-century Samaritan sorcerer from Gitta, gained a following in Samaria and later in Rome by blending Christianity with pagan mysticism. According to Acts 8:9–26, he astonished people with his sorcery and claimed divine power, later attempting to buy the ability to confer the Holy Spirit—earning a stern rebuke from Peter. Historical sources suggest he studied in Alexandria, absorbing Zoroastrian, Hellenistic, and Babylonian…
Valentine’s Day and Real Love
God’s people reject Valentine’s Day due to its pagan origins and lack of biblical support. Who Was Saint Valentine? Two Saint Valentines lived in the third century AD: a Roman priest and the Bishop of Terni. Both were martyred on February 14 and buried along the Via Flaminia. No historical evidence links them to romance; later legends claim Valentine secretly married couples, but these arose…
Law and Grace: Jesus vs. Paul? – Cecil Maranville
One of the clearest examples of Jesus’ teaching on law and grace is the account of the adulteress brought before Him (John 8:1-11). When pressed to judge her, Jesus responded, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first” (verse 7). The accusers left, and Jesus, the only sinless one, pardoned her, saying, “Go and sin no more” (verse…
Jesus Birth
Each December, millions celebrate the birth of Jesus on December 25th. But was He really born on that date? The Bible points to a very different time of year. If we look back to the story of John the Baptist’s father, Zacharias, we see that he was a priest serving in the temple during the course of Abijah, the eighth priestly division. According to 1…
The Trinity: What Is It? – Larry Neff
The doctrine of the Trinity, a core belief of the Roman Catholic Church and most Protestant denominations, is considered essential to the Christian faith by many. However, its origins and scriptural support raise important questions. The Trinity is not found in the Bible but was a concept developed over centuries. Around A.D. 180, Theophilus of Antioch first mentioned the term, though his description of “God,…
The Fall Festivals – Jerold Aust
Long before modern maps, people used creative methods to represent their world. For example, the Marshall Islanders crafted stick charts to depict winds and wave patterns, while Eskimos carved coastal maps from ivory, and early Europeans sketched maps on cave walls. The concept of mapping is deeply human, representing a form of communication and understanding. Even today, we use the term “map” to describe plans…
Why Israel?
Discussing “Why Israel?” in a non-church environment can be uncomfortable due to its association with British-Israelism, a belief that Britain’s people descend from ancient Israel. This ideology, tied to notions of racial superiority and colonialism, has been discredited by historians and is widely considered racist. British-Israelism has also influenced extremist movements like “Christian Identity” and “Serpent Seed,” which promote white supremacy and distort biblical teachings…
When Leaders Are Lawbreakers – Brian Orchard
The world is a mess. We face a crisis of leadership, with lawbreaking leaders leading nations to self-destruction. Christians must step up as law-abiding leaders. Leaders in denial, aided by complicit citizens, ignore reality, avoiding distressing truths. Denial is a defense mechanism that can blind us. An article, “The World’s Most Dangerous Delusion,” highlights this: America denies China’s declared hostility, preferring false peace. This denial…
Purpose Of Law: The Image of God – Staff Writers
Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18 KJV). Vision here means a prophetic understanding of future reality. Without purpose and direction, progress is impossible. Knowing our purpose is crucial. God gives humanity a purpose, a destination, and a path to get there, encapsulated in the Bible, including its laws. “Torah” is better translated as teaching or instruction. We must understand God’s purpose…
Are God the Father and His Son one being? One entity? – CGA Writers
Jesus revealed there is one Godhead, or one God Family, working together with one mind and purpose. This Family includes God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. John 1:1 states, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” The “Word” became Jesus Christ (John 1:14). Hebrews 1:1-4 confirms Christ’s divinity, showing He is worshiped by…
5 Major Differences Between Passover and Easter – Isaac Khalil
The distinction between Passover and Easter goes beyond the surface understanding that Passover is Jewish and Easter is Christian. Let’s explore five significant differences between these two observances: Difference 1: Passover’s biblical origin vs. Easter’s absence in Scripture. Passover originates from Exodus 12, commemorating the Israelites’ deliverance from Egypt through the blood of the lamb. In contrast, Easter lacks biblical grounding, with no legitimate references…